Why is my Mutual fund Under performing even though the Financial Market seem to be doing well?
Since the last year and a half, many investors are puzzled when they look at their mutual fund portfolios. If you are one of those who has a well diversified portfolio (which is the way to go), you would find that some of your funds are doing extremely well whereas there are some others that despite the financial markets going up, are giving dismal returns leading to the obvious and an uninformed question that; " why am I even investing in these slow performers?" and "why not invest everything into the leaders rather than the laggards?" Curiously, many of these under performers had been performing above par and the lag is seen only if the investment has been recent(about 1-2 years old). Surprisingly same funds, if purchased about 5-7 years ago are showing double digit returns...confusing right?
The confusion becomes even more pertinent when the equity market is breaking barriers and a few mutual funds in your portfolio are stuck at the bottom. So why is this happening? Why is a particular mutual fund in your portfolio lagging?
To answer this question, one has to understand how investors typically choose a mutual fund. 99% of the investors choose on the basis of past performance of 1 to 3 years with little regard to any investment strategy. This is a perfect recipe for an investment disaster.
To elaborate this even further, let us understand how do mutual funds invest your money. Well, some would say ;"Oh thats simple!" "The fund house collects funds from various investors and invests across a diversified basket of stocks that are supposed to generate returns which are then passed on to the investor." After all the main QR of a mutual fund should be to generate wealth for the investor! But is it so simple? Shouldn't we be talking about investment horizons or investment styles? To many investors the mutual funds or share market is a means to create quick wealth. This could not be any further from the truth. Equity markets are most conducive for long term wealth creation and reward the patient. The obvious reason for this is that over long term(over 5-10 years), the volatility of the financial market plateaus out and the risk gets mitigated.
Having spoken about the investor behaviour(after all this is the single most important reason that makes the difference between wealth creators and wealth destroyers), the investment strategy cannot be not discussed. There are typically two styles of investment that a mutual fund adopts for a particular fund and that is the Growth Strategy and the Value Strategy.
- Growth Strategy: under this strategy, the fund manager believes that a particular company, based on the key fundamentals is going to grow fast in the future, even though it may be priced expensive or over valued. Growth stocks are largely consumption based and include private companies.
- Value Strategy: Under this category, the fund manager would typically bet on stocks that are attractively priced or are at lower valuations. In markets like the present, when inflation and Geo political tensions are high and the Government focusses on capital expenditure, Commodity, Government or PSU type of stocks would do well. Such stocks do well when the markets are expensive because many fund managers would want to buy cheap based on their research.
- Never judge a fund only on returns over a short term period.
- Equity Investments are for long term of at least 5-10 years.
- Have a well diversified portfolio.
- Frequent churning only results in short term gains and exit loads.
- Have an investment strategy in place.
👍 Well written article which helps the uninitiated in understanding the market dynamics. Thanks
ReplyDeleteLogical and reassuring.
A well written article and really helpful .Keep it up