New Vs Old Tax Regime: Which one is for you? New Vs Old Tax Regime: Which One Should You Choose? A new tax regime has been promulgated by the finance minister. We all know that tax saved is money saved and towards this would love to choose the most suitable option. As the new financial year begins, it is time to choose what will it be? Should One go with ‘ Old is gold’ or the ‘New’ that could present better opportunities to save taxes on one’s income… this is unarguably one of the most googled question after COVID 19 in recent times! It is time to choose the most suitable option and at least for the salaried class, it is time to let it be known to their employers so that they cut appropriate taxes on their income. Both the Tax regimes as mentioned in the budget for FY 2020-21 by the Finance minister would be valid choices. And it is not as if you choose once and you are stuck for lifetime kind of situation, unless you are earning professional income. For tho...